Behind The Scenes
In 2023, I started two businesses. One was catered to what I have done for a few years now, which is hosting events. However, I also wanted to do equipment rentals for those who were hosting their own events and wanted the convenience that came with not having to own the items, store the items, haul them etc. I started hosting somewhere back in 2015/2016, you can see my events page for some of the photos I've taken along the way. Starting an official business in 2023 and even up the present day I've experienced somethings I'd like to share. 1. Respect other people's time. In this case it's my team and others who come along to help me out! I can become very excited when it comes to putting something together & over time, I've learned to be more flexible & not overly demanding on others following my exact schedule 100% of the time. We live in a very "self-made" society. Often times we rather do things ourselves than to wait on others, who could