The Beauty Secret-they won't tell you
truth is we all at one point have been critical of ourselves, trying to figure
out how we can become more! Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with
wanting to look our best; in fact we should want to look our best however we
just overdo it at times. One minute we feel extremely beautiful the next minute
we’re picking ourselves apart. How we view ourselves is critical! If we can’t
love ourselves with no makeup, no colored/dyed hair, and no fancy clothes and
fancy heels how can we expect people to love us? How can we truly love others?
Stylist, fashion magazines, beauty pages online and more will always tell us
there’s something we could be working on. Why? If they can get us to believe we
need their help then we will always pay the necessary money to do so; in
reality funding their vacations, getting their next car and so forth. I repeat
there is nothing wrong with wanting to look our best, just not at the price of
breaking our own soul.
If we
valued the way we were created we wouldn’t feel we need all the stuff the world
tries to sell us, we might want it but we wouldn’t feel that we need it. No
amount of time in the gym, no diet, no makeup, no hair extensions, and no
expensive clothes could ever make us feel truly beautiful! True beauty starts
within! I have 2 small children and I tell both of them, while it’s great to
look nice you have to know and believe that you’re great without the other
stuff. Those shoes and that dress only compliment you they don’t complete you!
I also tell my kids they are beautiful/handsome and wonderful because that’s
how God made them! I even pray over them that they remember it! If you’re still
wondering what the beauty secret is it’s: Beauty begins within and pushes its
way out of you! People can complement us all day however if we don’t know and
believe this for ourselves those compliments will only satisfy us temporarily.
What happens when someone doesn’t compliment us one day?
I was
praying to God about helping me to see myself the way He sees me, and He just
began to pour into me this blog. I was supposed to be proofing another one and
He directed me to this. I know and believe that there are too many of Gods
daughters that are struggling to find their true beauty. Sister it’s inside of
you and if you keep going before God He will reveal it to you. A beauty that no
matter what other’s think it will never be tarnished! God bless you! I Love You
how God made you!
2 Chronicles 20:21 tells us that holiness is
Proverbs 31:30 tells us the charm is deceitful
and beauty is vain