Nothing is Seemingly Wrong

Nothing is Seemingly Wrong

Have you ever just had the desire to cry? You tried to ration with yourself that nothing was seemingly going wrong in life, yet you couldn’t shake the urge to sit & cry.
Sure life hasn’t been the easiest & sure you’ve been recently disappointed; but what would be the point in crying?
Life has a way of telling us to suck it up & keep going. That we need to stop crying over things & push through it. No matter how much we feed ourselves this “keep it moving” medicine, are our souls buying it? It is our souls that truly feel the extent of some things. It is our souls that hold onto hurts & disappointments. It is our souls that the Holy Bible reminds us that need deliverance.
So if all of that is true, why are we afraid to cry? Why are we ashamed to cry? Why do we hold it in so much that even if a moment arises that we should cry we do not and cannot cry over it?
Darling, crying may very well be the physical relief/release that we search for & need. It’s not always the laying hands of our beloved leaders, sometimes it’s just finding a spot to: be and cry.

Songs to enjoy: Joseph Solomon “Rest”
Be Blessed