Hello December!


Can you believe it’s December?! First of all we thank God that we are yet still alive. Next, Hello December + let the countdowns begin! 

Whether you’re like me & counting down until Christmas; or you’re counting down until the new year or you’re counting down until you start your new position at a different company. Perhaps you’re not counting down anything & you’re taking life one day at a time; whatever is your truth- I just want to shout welcome back!

As you know many holidays are celebrated this month and I want to hit on one in particular (well the decorating part of it). I chose the theme a few months ago, I wanted something my kids would find colorful and fun. Merry & Bright! Much of the décor required plenty of diy projects! So today I wanted to share our advent calendar for this year! I wanted one for the last couple of years however they’re usually expensive or sometimes don’t appeal to me. 

So courtesy of Pinterest & ultimately, oh happy day I found this advent calendar for our home! You can find the instructions in the original blog post. 

I went to a local tent that sells Christmas trees and asked if I could have the tree trimmings for a DIY project. They were actually free but if you’d like you can give a donation. Instead of placing candy or toys in the boxes I decided to place riddles in each box. Once the boxes were complete and I had cut up the pieces for my garland I put everything together. The riddles pertain to the activity for the day. For the past few years we’ve been doing a Christmas scavenger hunt as part of our countdown to Christmas so one of the riddles is specifically for that day. 

  • Hot cocoa party night (just my kids + I) 

  • Gingerbread project 

  • TV/Movie day

Are just a few of the days of riddles I placed in these boxes. 

S/N this year I chose to switch it up a bit and not just plan out what we would be doing but I chose to ask the kids what they wanted to do. In the past we’ve done amazing things like go to the Gaylord Palms for Christmas on ice. We’ve gone to see light parades and light shows etc.! However this year my son & daughter wanted to do simple things with little to no cost! Shocking right. But I’m reminded of a quote that I woke up with in my spirit this morning “less doing and more loving!” Instead of trying to do things try just hanging out & loving one another. If 2020 hasn’t taught us to value each other more then I don’t know what will. If possible spend time with those you love, via phone or in person (stay safe of course)! The holiday season can be a very lonely one for some so engage with others. More than this time of year is about gifts + décor, it’s about: love! The ultimate love is that of GOD in Christ, but we who have Him inside can embody + share that love! 

Welp that’s all for now! Write & Talk (podcast: Blessed&Glamorous) to you soon! 

Stay Blessed!