Giving Back Christmas


I’m sure many if not all of us have heard the saying:
“it’s better to give than to receive.”

Well that’s what this post is. At a local church my kids and I

have been attending there was an Adopt a Family for Christmas

event but there also was the opportunity to serve if you

couldn’t financially participate. 

While I didn’t contribute financially to this event I did

contribute my time and humor (lol)

to help pass out the items for each
family that came to pick up their gifts!

That is one of the greatest

things we can remember. It’s never that we don’t have enough to offer,

but that what we have to offer

doesn’t have to look like what others can offer.

All of it is valuable! 

Can you imagine if the woman with the two mites

didn’t give what she had because she minded

that others had “more” to offer than she did? 

First of all Jesus took notice of her! She didn’t come with excuses

but just with a pure heart ready to

give. I hope that this Christmas season, we fall in love

with giving from a pure heart. Whether it be

through our finances, time, material etc. may it be

from a pure and godfidently place! 

Thanks for reading!