This Drought Tho!


I’m going to mention a few verses and key points but please take them and spend time with the Holy Spirit about them. 

Did you know that even in the wilderness GOD makes provision for what His people need? Literally tells us in His Word what He will do for us! Read Isaiah 41:18.

While in the wilderness you may feel like you’re stagnant or wandering aimlessly, but did you know GOD can literally pin your location? Even when we don’t know what’s going on, the Father says I have made a way for you! A way is a path! A path leads somewhere. Somewhere means there is a set destination, if we will take heed and perceive that which He is doing. Read Isaiah 43:19. 

Did you know that even in the dry place, GOD's people who put their trust and confidence in Him will almost be seemingly unbothered? You too can go unscathed. This is beyond a perfect life, because everyone experiences the rain or storm if you’ll have it. It's a level of peace regardless of the climate of the world. Read Jeremiah 17:7-8 (one of my favorites). 

The Olive Tree.

I was looking into some facts about the olive tree and learned that they grow in dry and rocky places often. During dry seasons the leaves of the olive tree remain green and contrast the brown hills. However it’s the root system that helps the tree survive its dry and rocky habitat. What is your root system like? Are you connected to the true source?

While this wasn't one of usual blog types, I pray this blessed you!