January Check IN: G.R.A.C.E

 Happy New Year Everyone! 

I think most if not all of us experienced an interesting year in 2022, to say the least. So here I am, jotting down some shareable thoughts! 

I recently decided to listen to some music from a popular artist and because I don't care for believers "warning" us without telling us the names of who they're warning us about I will include the name of the actual artist. It was/is Lecrae. 

This isn't going where you thought it would. Much of his recent work has been more intimate, transparent and for lack of a better term: ugly! But I've felt and dealt with the ugly, so this was worth listening to. What was most eye opening is that while he went through a period of "un-Christian" like periods in this walk of faith I recall hearing comments about him from other believers. But you know what's interesting to me now, time after hearing those comments? Even though I heard other believers say they stopped listening to him I did not. I have plenty discernment so that wasn't why I didn't write him off. 

It was and is God! I literally have been listening to his more recent music, might as well say confessions, and thought wow. This is him allowing God to deal with him and coming to a place of so much surrender that he will confess and realize he is forgiven. Some of his struggles from years ago, that he is now revealing to us "his fans" are what some of us may or may not be recently feeling. God is using what he has come out on of the other side of (or currently coming out of, I don't know him personally so I can't say) to help many be delivered from. 

Because this is hip hop music the delivery may be different from contemporary worship music, but I will say I love hearing the behind the music type of stories and this is one for the books for me personally. It's pure grace and a reminder that I am not in this walk of faith alone and others who have been walking prior to me have endured their fair share of wrestling. 

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