Mid Year Check-IN


Mid-YEAR Check-In by Marie J. Francois

    We are a few days into June, and I thought I would pop in and say hello! This year has been great so far for me. There have definitely been challenges along the way and plenty of asking God ?'s but none the less, its been great so far. 

    Great so far because God has shown me, I worry way too much. Also, because He has reminded me a lot of what I am worrying about is in His control and in His timing! 

I could sit around and be miserable while waiting for promises to be fulfilled or I could choose to live this life I'm given. From spending time with my kids, exploring new places, meeting new people to walking in my God given purpose, there is so much more I could be doing! The bitter-sweet truths are: There will always be something to wait for and Life goes on! Whether we want those truths to be true or not, the fact is they are! 

If you're single waiting for a blessed relationship, if you're married and waiting for children, if you've received a prophetic word and are waiting for the fulfillment etc. etc. What are you going to do while you wait? Complain or be content! Since we are all human, when we do find ourselves complaining how long does it take us to get out of that mode and get into thankfulness and contentment? 

Because the truth is, many of us are standing in some answered prayers! If you're on social media, then you have seen those posts. I use the answered prayers to remind myself I'm not forgotten, God hears me, God does love me, and He isn't out here allowing me to just be hurt! I remind myself that even when I put myself in certain situations God is loving and guides me through and or out of those situations! 

While you wait make sure you're doing these few things. 

Pray, Process, Walk in your purpose (and look cute doing so :-)) and Trust God!

As always Stay Blessed!!!!